The teams, each equipped with a buzzer, will have to compete during the game. To help the teams, the audience is asked to contribute and in the end the whole room participates. The questions follow one another on all subjects. Accessible to all, this blind test is a real moment of cohesion.
Rules of the game: For each round, the teams compete against each other and the participants change at each round. The host announces the theme. The team that "buzzes" first allows its team to answer the question. If the answer is right, the point is taken, if it is wrong, the team has a chance to make up its point thanks to the challenges. However, it is the audience that will have to choose the team that will win the point.
If the challenge is met, the point is won. Our host will make this blind test animation dynamic throughout your evening by testing your musical culture, from the 60's to nowadays, through the greatest hits and film music. According to your choice, each round will have a dedicated theme (songs, film music, cartoons, advertisements, TV shows...). The fever rises from table to table as the songs and points are distributed!