- Memory marbles : you have 10 seconds to memorize the color sequence of the middle row. Once the time is up, you will be given 1 minute to reproduce the sequence of the middle row.
- Roll-Up : At the start, the roll-up was not a game, but a cue carrier. In the cafés, pool players started sticking 2 cues in the cue carrier disposed flat, and made a pool ball roll along the cues. This is how roll-up was born.
- The Mijole or tray’s game : The Mijole is also known under the name of tray’s game. The goal is to place as much pucks as possible in the hole at the center of the tray.
- The Giant Tower : Which one of you has the most agile fingers and the bests nerves ? The giant wooden Tower from the classic game "Jenga" also called « The Infernal Tower » is an agility game. Players remove one brick at a time to place them back on top of the tower without making it lose its balance. This game requires attention and dexterity : you must maintain the towers balance while playing. The winner is the last player who moved a wooden piece without making the tower fall.
- Fishing Game : The players must catch the pieces of their color with their fishing rod and place them on their side. The fastest player wins.
- Sticks’ Game : The sticks’ game is a duel game that requires logic and strategy. Players each remove on their turn 1, 2 or 3 sticks. The player who removes the last stick loses.