Take on some of the craziest challenges around.
- The Tikis: Can you memorise, communicate and find the right strategy to win this mission?
- The Blind: The guide has to help his team find the balls of the right colour and put them in a bucket. The balls from the 2 clans are spread out in the same area. The clan that finds all 25 balls the fastest wins. It's another fun event that shows off your listening, management and coordination skills.
- The Empty Bowl: Each clan receives a bowl full of bone-shaped biscuits. The participants take it in turns to pick up a bone and place it on a tray on the other side of the course. Can you be the first to empty the bowl without using your hands?
- The hoop: To survive this adventure, you have to be able to sneak into some difficult and dangerous places! You'll have a limited amount of time to cover a certain distance in 2 hoops with your whole team, without letting go of your team-mates' hands. Patience, observation and self-control are the key words of this challenge!